In a dispute that needs mediation?

Mediation is a structured, interactive and consensual process wherein the participants meet with a mutually selected impartial and neutral third person who assists them in finding a resolution of their differences, using specialised communication and negotiation techniques.

Who am I & how can I help you?

Victoria is an accredited Civil, Commercial and Workplace Mediator, certified by the London School of Mediation.

Victoria is a former corporate People Change Manager, turned Mediator and Coach. She combines her experience in the business world with her specialist communication style to help participants resolve their dispute out of court, privately and for a fraction of the price of a court case.

Victoria helps organisations large and small resolve disputes, overcome conflict and embed cultural change.

I can help you resolve and reduce conflict in your organisation through the use of mediation, coaching and training.

What is Mediation?

Mediation is flexible, informal and quick in comparison to a court case.

Mediation seeks to facilitate a solution with participants and will never impose a solution. Mediation is private and confidential and forward-focused, seeking to resolve the dispute and is not a determination of who is right or wrong.

Mediation is focused on early resolution of conflict and emphasises the repair of relationships, reducing the number of grievances and resignations that are so costly to organisations.


I am a pacifist and people person by nature

I will never impose a solution and always seek rather to facilitate a solution.

  • - My mediation style is professional, but relaxed and calm, which puts the participants at ease, but I am also no-nonsense.

  • - I use a facilitative style and ask questions so that I can help to normalise perspectives and validate both participants' points of view.

  • - I utilise all my "People Change" knowledge and experience to facilitate the mediation to a natural conclusion. I will never force a solution or impose my opinions or beliefs on participants as this is unethical.

  • - DISC Profiler

  • - Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner

How I can help you


​As an accredited Civil and Commercial Mediator, I help participants in a dispute to quickly resolve their differences out of court, in a flexible and informal environment, for a fraction of the cost of court proceedings.


​As an ICF Accredited Coach I support senior leaders in navigating the way they manage and resolve disputes and conflict, through impactful one-to-one and/or group coaching.


​With over 20 years of learning and development experience, we can develop bespoke training to support your teams in handling disputes and negotiations. Our training will help your teams to resolve disputes and differences amicably and quickly.

Want to have a chat about your mediation, coaching or training needs?

Please drop me an email on [email protected] or book a call using the button below and we can have a free, no obligation call to discuss your mediation requirements, as well as the mediation process itself.

© Copyright 2024 Victoria Canham Mediation